Building Water Wells In Poverty Striken Communities

Today, 1 Billion People

Don't Have Access To Sanitised & Safe Water

One in every seven individuals, are denied access to sanitised and safe water. This unacceptable situation underscores the pressing need to ensure that everyone has the fundamental right to clean water.


Have no access to clean sanitised water


A child dies of water born disease


To collect water that is making them sick

No Access To

Clean, Sanitised Water.

It's truly disheartening to realise that even in our modern world, countless individuals lack access to something as fundamental as clean, sanitised water – a resource many of us take for granted daily.

As Networth Nomads, we cherish the privilege of travel, remote work, and life-enriching experiences. We also recognise our responsibility to raise awareness about the distressing reality faced by communities that struggle without this basic necessity of life – access to a clean and safe water source.

We believe that every human deserves the opportunity to live a healthy life, and it's our duty of care to make a difference. Join us in our mission to bring clean, safe water to those who need it most, and together, let's transform lives one drop at a time.

So We're On A Mission..

To Give Back

Transforming Lives and Communities Through Sustainable Water Solutions

At Networth Nomads, our mission goes beyond empowering our students – we strive to improve the lives of as many people as possible. As digital nomads, we've had the privilege of traveling the world and experiencing its most stunning locations.

Yet, we've also witnessed the harsh realities that often remain hidden from social media platforms like Instagram – the less fortunate communities struggling daily to survive without access to basic necessities.

Driven by our passion to give back, we aim to use our abilities and experiences for the greater good, reaching out to those who need our help the most. Our dreams have grown, along with our determination to create a safer, healthier world for all.



We commit ourselves to giving back to the communities we visit by paying it forward. Our pledge is to build water wells in underprivileged communities, providing them with sustainable water solutions that support their well-being and growth. 

That's Why, When You Enrol Onto Our Program..

you're not only investing in your own growth and success, but also contributing to a greater cause.

A portion of your enrolment fee is set aside to fund 25% of an entire community well, which means that you, personally, will make a lasting impact on the lives of 500 fellow humans.

No Human Deserves To Live Without Safe Water

Let's Change Lives Together

Your Enrolment Contributes to Ending the Suffering

Over 1 billion people worldwide lack access to safe and sanitary water sources, exposing them to various water-borne diseases and increasing their risk of illness or even death. In areas where water is scarce, hand washing becomes a low priority, further contributing to the spread of diarrhea and other illnesses.

Moreover, in regions with water scarcity, individuals often spend significant time and effort collecting water from distant, contaminated sources. This leaves children with less time for school, limiting their opportunities for education and personal growth.

No parent should have to witness their child's death from a preventable illness, and no person should be forced to choose between survival and education.

By enrolling in our Course Launch Bundle Program, you're helping to end this suffering. Your enrolment will contribute to providing clean water and improving the lives of countless individuals, empowering them to pursue a healthier and brighter future.

Diseases: A Constant Threat to the Safety of Those in Affected Areas

  • PARASITIC WORMS:  Schistosomiasis, an acute and chronic disease caused by parasitic worms, affects as many as 220 million people annually. It is contracted through exposure to infested water.
  • Cholera: A highly contagious bacterial infection causing severe diarrhoea, which can lead to dehydration and even death if left untreated.
  • Diarrhoea: A common result of ingesting contaminated water, leading to dehydration, malnutrition, and potentially fatal complications
  • Dysentery: An inflammatory disease of the intestine, causing severe diarrhoea with blood and mucus, often resulting from contaminated water or poor sanitation.
  • Hepatitis A: A viral liver disease transmitted through contaminated water or food, causing inflammation of the liver and potential long-term complications.
  • Typhoid: A bacterial infection caused by ingesting contaminated water or food, leading to high fever, weakness, and potentially life-threatening complications.
  • Polio: A viral infection that can cause paralysis and permanent disability, transmitted through contaminated water and food.

Did You Know..

829,000 Diarrhea-Related Deaths

Annually, 829,000 people die from diarrhea due to unsafe water and sanitation. Among them, 297,000 are children under five, emphasising the critical need for clean water and better sanitation worldwide.

World Health Organization

85,700 Children Under 15 Affected

85,700 children under the age of 15 die annually from diarrhoea caused by unsafe water, inadequate sanitation, and poor hygiene facilities. This highlights the urgent need for improved access to clean water and proper sanitation in affected areas.


How Your Donation Works

We Pay It Forwards

When you enrol with us.

We set aside a portion of the enrolment fee to fund 25% of a community well. This means that you personally impact the lives of 500 fellow humans.

Your contribution helps construct 25% of a pumped well in a drought-stricken community, providing a life-changing water source that supplies safe and clean water for generations to come. Moreover, your support allows children in these communities to access the education they deserve, as they no longer need to miss school to collect contaminated water.